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Las Vegas Personal Injury Law Office

What Does a Car Accident Lawyer Do?

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What Does a Car Accident Lawyer Do?

You may have heard about people who hire a car accident lawyer after getting into a crash in Las Vegas, Nevada. But is a Las Vegas auto accident attorney a necessity? What does a car accident lawyer do?

Car accident lawyers make navigating the aftermath of a car crash significantly easier. The Las Vegas car accident lawyers at De Castroverde Accident & Injury Lawyers can help you recover money for medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

Call our office at (702) 222-9999 or contact us online to learn about how we can help after a car accident in Las Vegas, NV.

How Can De Castroverde Accident & Injury Lawyers Help You After a Crash In Las Vegas? 

How Can De Castroverde Accident & Injury Lawyers Help You After a Crash In Las Vegas? 

The Las Vegas car accident lawyers at De Castroverde Accident & Injury Lawyers have over 100 years of combined experience. We can make your life easier after a car crash in Las Vegas, NV. 

Our team has been recognized by the Las Vegas Review Journal’s Best of Las Vegas and received the Las Vegas Latino Bar Association’s Inspira Award.

When you hire us after a car accident, our Las Vegas personal injury lawyers will:

  • Investigate the accident and collect evidence
  • Identify every negligent person who contributed to the  cause
  • Calculate your damages 
  • Protect you from getting blamed
  • Review your medical records
  • Consult with expert witnesses
  • File insurance claims and handle all conversations with the insurance company
  • Discuss a settlement with the defendant 
  • File a lawsuit when necessary

Our Las Vegas car accident attorneys are prepared to take the work that comes after a car crash off of your plate. We can help you recover compensation without added stress. Call our office to schedule a free consultation today.

How Can a Car Accident Lawyer Help Me With an Insurance Claim?

Insurance is required on all registered vehicles in Nevada. That means that in most car accident cases, the first step is to try and get paid through an insurance claim. 

While you don’t need a lawyer to file an insurance claim, it can be very helpful. Insurance companies are notorious for shortchanging accident victims. You are more likely to get full compensation from an insurance company if you have an attorney fighting on your side. 

If you hire a lawyer immediately after the crash, your attorney will likely take over the insurance claim. 

An attorney’s work may include:

  • Filing the insurance claim
  • Collecting and submitting evidence
  • Speaking to an insurance adjuster on your behalf
  • Advising you on how to talk to insurance agents
  • Protecting you from getting blamed by the insurance company 
  • Negotiating for a greater settlement

Many people don’t realize that you can reject an insurance company’s offer. If you believe that you are entitled to more money, then you can file a personal injury lawsuit and go to court instead. 

A lawyer can explain and help you leverage your legal options to get full compensation.

What Damages Can a Car Accident Lawyer Recover for Me?

After a car accident in Las Vegas, you are entitled to both economic damages and non-economic damages. A lawyer can help you recover those damages through insurance or a lawsuit.

Economic damages are financial losses that happen because of a crash. These losses are pretty easy to calculate. Usually, the value is tied to a bill, pay stub, or estimate. 

Examples of economic damages include:

Non-economic damages, on the other hand, are non-financial losses. This is often called pain and suffering because it is payment for emotional or intangible harm. 

Examples of non-economic damages include:

A lawyer will help you calculate your damages to make sure that you request everything you deserve. Furthermore, they can collect evidence to help you prove damages to either the insurance company or through the courts.

How Much Does It Cost To Hire a Las Vegas Car Accident Lawyer?

You can expect to pay your Las Vegas car accident lawyer a contingency fee

A contingency fee means a lawyer’s payment depends on the outcome of the case. In other words, if the plaintiff loses, they don’t have to pay their lawyer. If the plaintiff wins, then they pay the lawyer a percentage of their damages or the settlement.

The exact percentage is agreed upon at the beginning of the case. Furthermore, the percentage might vary depending on the type of work that is required. Usually, it is around 30% – 40% of the damages.

Contingency fees tend to benefit plaintiffs because they don’t pay anything upfront. Furthermore, it motivates lawyers to work hard on a case because if they lose, they aren’t getting compensated for their time.

Contact Our Las Vegas Car Accident Lawyer To Schedule a Free Consultation 

You only have two years to file a lawsuit after a car accident in Las Vegas, NV. Chances are your lawyer has a lot of work to do before then. 

It’s in your best interest to call a Las Vegas car accident attorney at De Castroverde Accident & Injury Lawyers as soon as possible by calling at (702) 222-9999. We can schedule a free consultation. The consultation is an excellent opportunity to learn more about our law firm and how we can help. 

Areas We Serve

At De Castroverde Accident & Injury Lawyers our personal injury lawyers serve the following localities: Angel Park, Anthem, Boulder City, Downtown Las Vegas, East Las Vegas, Gibson Springs, Green Valley, Henderson, Lake Las Vegas, MacDonald Ranch, McCullough Hills, Mission Hills, Paradise, Peccole Ranch, Queensridge, Reno, Seven Hills, Smoke Ranch, Spring Valley, Summerlin, The Lakes, The Strip, Whitney, and more.
We also represent accident victims in Oakland, CA.

About Our Firm

De Castroverde Accident & Injury Lawyers, located in Las Vegas, NV, is a personal injury law firm established over 30 years ago.
We have 100+ years of combined experience securing hundreds of millions for injured people throughout Nevada. If you’ve been injured due to someone else’s negligence, contact us today to discuss your case.

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